This Photoshop tutorial about how to make business style greeting card (Merry Christmas!) in a few steps which you can present to you chief or colleagues.
Ok, let’s start! Create a new document sized 500×700 pixels, white background
After that find a nice, suitable stock photo to work with. I used this stock photo that I downloaded for free. Feel free to use it or find another one you want. Open up the photo and copy it to the main canvas, then move it down and reduce with Edit > Free Transform as on my picture below.
Time to up image sharpness. Use the Sharpen Tool to do this.
Ok, now I would like to add a few lines to the background. Do this by first finding and selecting the Pen Tool, and make a shape like on the screenshot below. Use the color of #8cbce8
Then use Layer > Rasterize > Shape to rasterize current shape. To make the line transparent at the bottom apply Quick Mask Mode with gradient as below:
Then go back to Standard Mode. Now we have some selected area. Press Delete button to clear selection.
Ok, then remove selection with Ctrl+D and set opacity to 35% up.
Add two more lines in the same way.
Ok, then I would like to add some text. Get out the Horizointal Type Tool (just the regular one) and write out something like ‘Merry’ in any color. I used the font Annabelle.
After that apply the next Blending Options to this layer:
• Drop Shadow
• Gradient Overlay
See the result below.
Now, use the Horizontal Type Tool again to write out the ‘Christmas!’ word.
Apply the next Blending Options to this layer:
• Drop Shadow
• Gradient Overlay
We received excellent inscription!
Ok, move to the next step. I would like to add some snowflakes to our greeting card. You can use these brushes. Select the Brush Tool and set foreground color as #95c2ea and add to the canvas different size snowflakes.
Looks good, isn’t it? Ok, now select the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush about 150 pixels to make little clear work on the snowflakes.
That is it! Now we have good professional looking business style greeting card! Merry Christmas!
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It's really a cool tutorial